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Sullivan's MMA ribbon cutting

It was our great pleasure to welcome a new business to Baldwinsville and a new member to the GBCC - Sullivan's MMA!

Friends, family, and students joined owner Dylan Sullivan as he opened the doors to his dojo, Sullivan’s MMA on Saturday December 2. The open house festivities started at 9 am and wrapped up at 3 pm - it was a busy day of demos and free trial classes.

We took a few minutes of Dylan’s time for him to officially cut the ribbon! Fellow GBCC member (and proud parent of a student) Allison Handwork from Cafe Bee You was on hand to provide support, beverages, and protein snacks.

Sullivan’s MMA is located at 93 Syracuse Street in Suite 500, right next door to GBCC member PEACE Inc. County West Family Resource Center.

Welcome, Sullivan’s MMA!


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